There are 20 camping pitches available, spread over the terrain. Those close to the road are suitable for caravans and mobile homes, those further from the road can only be used for tents. For pitches 1 to 10 and for 4 of the tent pitches there is electricity available, generated by solar power (240 V, max. 6 A, CEE socket). Fridges, lighting, water cooker (max. 5 min) allowed. Electrical heating, electrical cooking plates/grills, hot water devices, aircos and other high consumption equipment NOT allowed as we are offgrid.
In the sanitary building there are 5 toilets, 4 showers and 7 wash basins all provided with hot and cold water and on the outside 3 sinks to do the dishes and a laundry tank. Next to the sanitary building is a disposal point for camper / caravan toilets. Only organic products are allowed (chemical products will disturb the biological waste breakdown).
We remind you that Bubulcus & Bolotas is located in an untouched holm oak forest in central Alentejo, so the shadows are few and the temperatures are sometimes high. At the tent-only pitches, and if space allows, we have 4 x 4 m shade screens in the high season.
At Bubulcus & Bolotas Camping we value privacy and tranquility. For that reason, groups are not admitted.
Considering the character and size of the camping site, reservation is needed. Please make your reservation request by email (info[at]bbcamping.eu).

Winter Season | 3-Seasons | |
adult | 5,00 € | 6,00 € |
child (3 y to 14 y) | 3,00 € | 4,00 € |
pitch 1-10 | 8,00 € | 10,00 € |
pitch 14-25 (tents only)* | 6,50 € | 8,00 € |
electricity (max 6 A, solar power **) | 4,00 € | 4,00 € |
pets (1 per pitch) | gratis | gratis |
wifi | gratis | gratis |
Winter season: 01/12 – 31/03
The camping site is closed in November.
Check-in: 14:00 – 18:00
Check-out: 8:00 – 11:00
(Late check-out or early check-in, at half-day rate, is subject to availability)
To ensure tranquility and quietness in the space, our gate closes at 22:00 and opens at 8:00; during this period only entrances on foot are allowed.
After sunset, no new admittance to the camping site.
*: Cars and motors cannot reach the tent pitches; cars and motors should be parked at the private parking lot of Bubulcus & Bolotas. For those travelling on foot or by bicycle we have a reduction of 2,00 €.
**: Electricity is 100% generated by solar power. In the night we run on batteries, which have a limited capacity. Therefore the electricity is not for cooking plates, grills, heaters, aircos or other high consumption devices. Electricity not always fully available. Please consult the reception.
You can download the internal regulations here.

Interested in a breakfast basket?
Contact us one day in advance.