Sustainability is a keyword for Bubulcus & Bolotas and it is worked out for several aspects.
Energy: All electricity is generated with PV solar panels. Illumination is done by LED lighting. Heating of the holiday home is done with a small efficient wood stove. The consumption for heating in winter and for cooling in summer is minimal, owing to the use of thick layers of insulation materials, leading to very high thermal insulation values. Water is heated by solar water heating systems.

Water: Water is pumped up from a subterranean source. For the envisaged number of guests there is ample water available. All equipment is installed with water saving devices, f.i double flushing system on the toilets and water saving showers. The water effluents are kept separate as ‘black water’ that is going through septic tank systems and as ‘grey water’ that is used for a subterranean irrigation system. Rainwater is captured and stored for use in the dry periods (for instance, for the swimming pool).

Soil: The impact on the soil is minimized. All buildings are installed on small pillars, founded on the granite rocks in the terrain. For the tenting and caravan grounds a rotation system is used, allowing the soil flora and fauna to recover after a period of use.

Waste management: In the park there are separate containers for paper, glass, metal, plastic and other waste streams. These separated waste streams are transferred to the ‘Ecopontos’ (waste stations) of the municipality.

Visual: The exterior facades of buildings are of medium density expanded cork boards. This natural product gets grey by the UV light and has a colour and structure very similar to the bark of the surrounding trees. Therefore the whole aspect of the buildings allows for them to be visually taken up by the landscape.

Local economy: By attracting guests that otherwise would not come to the region, we aim to aid in the sustainability of the local economy. First of all by bringing extra clients to the local shops and businesses but also by articulating trips in the areas of enology, gastronomy, cultural heritage, walking tours and cycling tours.

Education: Bubulcus & Bolotas is an example of sustainability put into practice, and we like to share it with all our guests. Information on sustainability and nature can be find in the reception and throughout the terrain.